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The HHNA is a team effort and we encourage all of our neighbors to get involved by serving on one of our committees listed below:

Beautification:  The primary task of this committee will be keep our neighborhood beautiful by setting up work days for the neighborhood for activities such as gazebo beautification, trash pick-up, sidewalk clean-up days, and decorating for the holidays.  They will also determine Yard-of-the-Month winners and award monthly recipients. (10+ members)


Events:  This committee will plan all details for Association functions by coordinating, planning, providing refreshments, arranging for entertainment (when applicable), and set-up/break-down.  (10+ members)


Membership: This committee will encourage participation in the Association by keeping membership records and developing the best way to recruit and increase HHNA membership, and coordinate welcoming new residents in the neighborhood by assembling welcome packages and delivering to new residents. (3-5 members)


Public Relations:  This committee will seek to promote the neighborhood publicly through use of social media, press releases, and the HHNA website.  They will also be responsible for promoting HHNA events to all neighbors through email, website, Facebook, Instagram, HHNA signs and hand deliver special announcements to any neighbors as needed. (2-3 members)


Safety and Traffic:  This committee will be concerned with the general safety of the neighborhood and will serve as a liaison on behalf of the Association to the City Staff and the Police Department.  They will stay in the know with crime reports and incidents, communicating with the City any issues and relaying to the Executive Committee, bringing attention to any areas in need. (3-5 members)


Historical Property:  This committee will serve as a liaison between the Association and both the HARB and City Staff.  The primary tasks will be to stay up-to-date on HARB meetings and reporting any neighborhood related cases to the Executive Committee, and, communicating with City Staff any properties failing to meet the historical guidelines or code enforcement standards.   (2-4 members)


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Hampton Heights

The center of Hampton Heights is located at West Hampton Avenue, Spartanburg, SC. The neighborhood includes Willow Oaks and Irwin Parks, Montessori Academy of Spartanburg and Spartanburg Prep School, and Southside Baptist Church. The community is in walking distance to the heart of downtown Spartanburg, SC.

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