Neighbor-to-neighbor communication is critical for Hampton Heights to thrive, grow, and feel at home. We do this a few ways, and we invite any neighborhood residents to join us.
1. A monthly newsletter is sent out to neighbors about upcoming events and special announcements. Click "Subscribe" to be added. Make sure to add hhnacommunication@gmail.com to your contacts so it doesn't go in your spam.
2. Nextdoor - The private social network for your neighborhood
3. Facebook - Follow Hampton Heights Neighborhood Association at www.facebook.com/HistoricHamptonHeights
(and Instagram at @historichamptonheights)
4. This website! Please check back often - especially the "events & photos" page. If you see changes that are needed, please contact the neighborhood marketing chair.
4. Signs - the neighborhood association places 2 easel signs at the entrance of South Spring Street as well as on Hampton Avenue. Look also for updates on the bulletin board at Willow Oaks Park. We advertise upcoming events and meetings.
Do you have other marketing ideas? Please share them with us or join the HHNA marketing committee.