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The Hampton Heights Neighborhood Association
 as amended on December 15, 2019

Article I - Name: The name of this association will be the Hampton Heights Neighborhood Association.
Article II - Purpose: The purpose of this association will be to encourage and ensure the protection, preservation, and promotion of the area known as Hampton Heights, as delineated below, in view of its historical significance as one of the older residential areas in Spartanburg, SC.
Article III - Membership: Membership in this association will be open to all residents and owners of property in the Hampton Heights neighborhood who have paid yearly dues. The neighborhood is defined as that area bounded by Church Street on the east; Henry Street to Hydrick Street on the north; the Seaboard Coast line railroad and Hydrick Street on the west, and South Hampton Dr., Cecil Court, and Morningside Drive on the south, including all houses on Irwin Ave. south to the intersection with Seay Street.
Article IV - General Meetings: 

Section A 
The Association will hold at least one general meeting annually at a place in Spartanburg chosen by the officers.  A one-week (seven days) notice of the date and time of the meeting will be given.

Section B 
Election of officers will be held at a general meeting in the winter for the upcoming term.

Section C
Special meetings of the Association may be called by a majority of the officers. The membership will be notified in writing or in person at least four days prior to such a meeting. 


ARTICLE V - Officers:


Section A 
The officers of the Association will be president, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer. Officers must be members of the Neighborhood Association. They will be elected by a simple majority of the membership present at the winter meeting to hold office for two years until their successors are elected. 

Section B: Duties of Officers 

1. President

a. The President will serve as a representative to the Citizens Advisory Council or will appoint a representative to serve.

b. The President will attend or appoint a member to attend HARB meetings and report to the Board as necessary. 


2. Vice President

a. The Vice President will preside in the absence of the President and will have such powers and discharge such other duties as the membership may assign from time to time. 

b. The Vice President will be an ex officio member of all committees.


3. Secretary

a. The Secretary will have such powers and discharge such duties as the membership may assign from time to time. 

b. The Secretary will have charge of the Association's records, will make any necessary reports, and will take minutes at the membership meetings, executive committee meetings, and board meetings.


4. Treasurer

a. The Treasurer will have custody of the money of the Association and will keep regular books of account.

b. The Treasurer will disburse the funds of the Association in payment of just demands against it or as the officers may order.

c. The treasurer will make a financial report at each meeting, including any checking accounts and the Anne Irwin Fund. 


Section C: Executive Committee 
The officers and the immediate Past President may meet as an Executive Committee to set the agenda for meetings of the Board of Directors and to otherwise carry out their assigned duties.  A member of the Executive Committee will be in charge of distributing notices of all meetings of the Association, the executive committee, and the board. 


Section D
If any officer is absent or disabled, the other officers may, from time to time, turn his/her duties and powers over to another officer.

Section E: Vacancies: 
Vacancy in any office will be filled by the Board of Directors.

Section F: Nominating Committee: 
A Nominating Committee will be appointed by the executive committee of the Association. The immediate past president of the association will chair the nominating committee. Members of this committee will be announced at least one month before the winter meeting. This committee will present a proposed slate of candidates for the officers of the Association for election at the winter meeting. Nominations may also be made from the floor at the winter meeting. 


ARTICLE VI - The Board of Directors: 


Section A: A Board of Directors will be composed of a maximum of twenty members and will include, but is not limited to, the following representatives: 

1. The elected officers of the Association.

2. The immediate past President of the Association.

3. Membership Coordinator. The coordinator of membership will encourage participation in the Association, keep membership records, and coordinate welcoming new residents in the neighborhood.

4. Public Relations Coordinator. The coordinator of public relations will serve as a liaison between the Association and the larger community of Spartanburg.The public relations coordinator will supervise the website and social media outlets to promote the neighborhood and upcoming events.

5. Beautification Coordinator. The primary task of this representative will be to organize and carry out the maintenance of the park area around the Hampton Heights historic marker and entrance signs. In addition, this person will be concerned with the appearance and cleanliness of the neighborhood, sidewalk conditions, and will plan and be responsible for holiday decorations.

6. Safety Coordinator. This representative will be concerned with the general safety of the neighborhood and will serve as a liaison to the City Staff and the Police Department.

7. Events Coordinator. This representative will coordinate planning, refreshments, entertainment (when applicable), and set-up/break-down for Association functions.This member will also be responsible for association property (tables, event supplies, etc.)

8. Historical Property Coordinator: This representative will serve as a liaison between the Association and both the HARB and City Staff.The primary tasks will be to stay up-to-date on HARB meetings and reporting any neighborhood related cases to the Executive Committee, and, communicating with City Staff any properties failing to meet the historical guidelines or code enforcement standards.

9. At-large representative(s) from the neighborhood.


Section B: The Board of Directors will be appointed by the Executive Committee in the month of January for a two-year term. All board members will be voting members.
Section C: Meetings of the Board of Directors will be called by the President at such a time and place us the President determines necessary for the operation of the Association. A majority of the officers may also call a meeting of the Board. In order to conduct business, a simple majority of the Board's membership must be present. The Board of Directors shall meet at least once in each quarter. 

Section D: A Board member who misses more than three meetings in a year may be replaced by the Executive Committee. 

Section E: In carrying out their assigned tasks, members of the Board may appoint individuals from among the Board and from the general membership of the Association to act as a committee. 

Section F: A person may serve in more than one capacity on the Board. 

Section G: Members of the Association who are not on the Board may attend any Board meeting, however, they do not have a vote. 

Section H: The Board may appoint a webmaster to administer the association website. 


ARTICLE VII- Finances: 


Section A 
The officers may fix and assess such annual dues to be paid by each member as a condition to the participation in the activities of the Association. 

Section B 
The money of the Association will be deposited in its name in such banking institutions as the officers may designate and will be drawn out only by withdrawal signed by the person or persons designated by resolution of the officers. 

Section C 
The Anne Irwin fund of the Spartanburg County Foundation will be monitored by the president and the treasurer. 


ARTICLE VIII - Books and Records 

Section A
The officers of the Association will institute a proper system of books and records. 

Section B
There will be an internal review of the financial records annually by a member of the neighborhood association other than the treasurer.


ARTICLE IX- Amendment of By-Laws: These By-Laws may be amended by a majority vote of the membership at any regular or special meeting called for that purpose, provided that the proposed amendment has been submitted in writing to the membership at least one week prior to the meeting in which the proposed amendment is to be voted upon. 

ARTICLE X - Dissolution: In the event of dissolution, the residual assets of the Hampton Heights Neighborhood Association will be contributed to the general fund of the Spartanburg County Foundation. 

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Hampton Heights

The center of Hampton Heights is located at West Hampton Avenue, Spartanburg, SC. The neighborhood includes Willow Oaks and Irwin Parks, Montessori Academy of Spartanburg and Spartanburg Prep School, and Southside Baptist Church. The community is in walking distance to the heart of downtown Spartanburg, SC.

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